Rabbit Island barrier island - N27

Racecourse Hill outwash terrace - L35

Radiata Grove red weathered site, Wellington - R27

Ragged Range protalus rampart - J34

Raglan coastal karst - R15

Rainbow Falls - P05

Rainy Creek Devonian fossils - L30

Rakaia Gorge and terraces, with amethyst and garnet-bearing rhyolites - K35

Rakaia Gorge varves - K35

Rakaia River braids - L36

Rakaia River multiple mouth spit lagoon - L37

Rakaunui coastal karst, Kawhia - R15

Rakino greywacke and basal Waitemata scetion - R10

Rakino Island prehistoric quarry - R11

Rakis Table Eocene sedimentary rocks - J41

Rakitu Island Black and White Rock - T08

Rakitu Island obsidian breccia - T08

Ralph's Coal-mine disaster site, Huntly - S13

Rameka Track skarn minerals - N26

Rangataua lava field - S20

Rangatira Pt ignimbrite, Lake Taupo - U18

Rangi Point  giant concretions, Hokianga - O06

Rangiahua autochthonous sediments - O05

Rangiahua karstic basalt, Okaihau - P05

Rangiahua sinkholes, Okaihau - P05

Rangiauria Breccia islands, Pitt Strait - CH

Rangiauria Breccia pipes, Pitt Island - CH

Rangihaeata fossil forest, Takaka - N25

Rangihaeata Head coal measures - N25

Ranginui Road ignimbrite section - T17

Ranginui Station farm road ignimbrite section - T17

Rangiora Bay honeycomb weathering, North Cape - N02

Rangipo Desert - T20

Rangitahua scoria cone, Raoul Island - KE

Rangitaiki Plains cuspate foreland - W15

Rangitata ice-margin features - J36

Rangitata outwash terraces - J36

Rangitata River mouth hapua - K38

Rangitawa Stream Quaternary sediments - S23

Rangitikei alluvial terraces - S23

Rangitikei gorge - T21

Rangitikei River estuary - S24

Rangitikei River Plio-Pleistocene fossiliferous sediments - S23

Rangitoto central lava cave (unnamed) - R11

Rangitoto hornito # 1 - R11

Rangitoto hornito # 2 - R11

Rangitoto Island lava levees - R11

Rangitoto northern lava cave (unnamed) - R11

Rangitoto pillow lava lobes - R11

Rangitoto southern lava cave (unnamed) - R11

Rangitoto volcano - R11

Raoul caldera - KE

Raoul Island 1870 Crater - KE

Raoul Island 1964 Craters - KE

Raoul Island volcano - KE

Rapaki Dike - M36

Raramai sea arch, Kaikoura - O31

Rarangi beach ridges and swamp - P28

Rasmussen Road tuff ring - R12

Ratcliffe lava cave - R11

Raukawa Falls - S21

Raukokore River mouth spit-lagoon - Y14

Raukumara uplifted "peneplain" - Y16

Rauroa Stream Jurassic fossils - R17

Raventhorpe tuff ring - R12

Rawene Paleocene limestones - O05

Rawhiti (Mansons) Cave, Takaka - N26

Rawhitiroa scoria cone - Q06

Razorback Road II scoria cone - R12

Red Beach Miocene flysch - R10

Red Bluff Eocene fossils - CH

Redcliff Creek section, Takitimu Mountains - D44

Redcliffs Stream Tertiary sequence - K35

Redcliffs uplifted sea caves, Christchurch - M36

Red Crater, Tongariro - T19

Red Crater tuff ring, South Auckland - R12

Red Hill volcanic centre - R12

Red Island tombolo, pillow lava and zeolites - W22

Red Mercury Island basalt - U10

Redoubt Road complex landslide - R11

Red Rocks Permo-Triassic terranes, pillow lavas and thrusts - R27

Rehia hornfels with mineral larnite - P08

Reids Stream deformed schists - I45

Remarkable Dikes - M36

Remarkables terrane boundary and block field - F41

Reporoa Geothermal Field - U17

Rerewhakaaitu Pyroclastics section - V16

Reserve Point nephelinite flow and garnet andesite - Q07

Reserve Point (The Nook) Eocene shelf sediments and fossils - Q07

Rewa Hill Pleistocene shallow marine sediments - T22

Rewanui Incline and coal mines - K31

Richmond Flat tourmaline - M25

Ridge Rd tuff ring - R12

Ringaringa intrusives, Stewart Island - E48

Riverlands sand dunes - P28

Riwaka wollastonite - N26

Robertson Creek transposition structures - I41

Robertson Hill scoria cone - R11

Rob Roy Stream stilpnomelane - E39

Rock and Pillar Range solifluction features - H43

Rock Bolt volcanic neck, Hikuai - T12

Rock Point Triassic worm tube fossils - R27

Rockville lime kiln - M25

Rocky Gorge coal measures - J35

Rockyside Bay unconformity and Eocene hardground fauna - CH

Roding River rodingite with garnet and diopside - O27

Rolling River (Blue Creek) gold mining area - M28

Ross alluvial gold mine - J33

Ross Creek water supply dam, Dunedin - I44

Rotoiti Geothermal Field - V15

Rotoitipakau Faults (Bookers 1987 trace) - V15

Rotoiti Road pyroclastic section - V16

Rotokawa Geothermal Field - U17

Rotokawau basalt - U15

Rotokura maar craters - S20

Rotoma Geothermal Field - V15

Rotomahana Pyroclastics section - V16

Rotomanu roche moutonnee - K32

Rotoma Volcanic Complex - V15

Rotopounamu  landslide lake, Mahia - Y19

Rotopuha Road tephra section A - U18

Rotopuha Road tephra section B - U18

Rotorua Geothermal Field - U16

Routeburn Falls glacial stairway - D40

Routeburn track melange - E40

Ruahine Fault, Broom Hut to Ngaruroro River - U21

Ruahine Fault, West Gorge to Lotkow - U20

Ruahine Fault, Zig-Zag Saddle - V20

Ruakokopatuna Gorge, Martinborough - S27

Ruakuri Cave, Waitomo - S16

Ruakuri natural bridge, Waitomo - S16

Ruamahuaiti andesite flow, Aldermen Islands - U11

Ruapehu Crater Lake - T20

Ruapehu incipiently autobrecciated lava flows - T20

Ruapehu volcanic centre - T20

Ruapotaka lava shaft, Mt Wellington - R11

Rua Ruru Cave, Mt Arthur - M27

Ruatahuna Fault - W17

Rubicon torrent rock slide - H36

Rugged Point coastal features, Stewart Island - D48

Ruggedy Flats freshwater valley, Stewart Island - D48

Runaruna mud volcano - O05

Rushpool prehistoric argillite quarry - O27

Ryton Valley debris flow - K34