Foraminiferal record of earthquakes
Collaborators: Ursula Cochran and Kate Wilson (GNS, Lower Hutt);
In coastal marsh and lagoon settings, foraminifera provide one of the most useful tools for helping to define the frequency and magnitude of earthquake hazards. Our previous research provides the high resolution data on modern foraminiferal distributions related to tidal elevation that is the basis for these applied studies.
Our programme aimed to document the Holocene major earthquake displacement histories around a number of seismically-active coastal areas of New Zealand and answer the question: Can NZ expect huge subduction-interface, megathrust earthquakes?.
Study areas
a. eastern Bay of Plenty (Ohiwa Harbour) - published, 2004.
b. South Westland (Okarito) - published, 2007, Nichol led.
c. Northern Hawkes Bay (Opoho, Opoutama) - published 2005, 2006, Cochran led.
d. Southern Hawkes Bay (Ahuriri Inlet, Napier; Pakuratahi, Porangahau) - published in part, 2006, 2012, 2015, 2016.
e. South Otago (Catlins Lake, Aokautere Estuary) - published 2007.
f. Marlborough Sounds – published 2010g. Pauatahanui Inlet – published in part, 2011.
h. Southern Wairarapa – published, 2011.i. Poverty Bay – published 2015
j. Marlborough, Big Lagoon – published 2010, 2015
k. Christchurch – published 2015.